Fit Forever: TruHealth™ Mini-Cleanse Will Help You Recover From The Post-Holiday Feast Blues

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If you want to hit the holiday party buffet line hard this year, Mannatech has the perfect way to help wash away your guilt and help you enjoy your holiday meals with our TruHealth Mini-Cleanse.

Following a TruHealth Mini-Cleanse before and after a holiday party will help you to indulge in some of your favorite foods during Thanksgiving, Christmas and all of the dinners, parties and events in between. Because the TruHealth Fat Loss System offers a pleasant, beneficial and simple way to help you keep the inches off, you can still enjoy a sensible approach to those holiday feasts without denying yourself enjoyment or creating guilt.

Americans consume roughly 2,500-3,000 calories and a couple hundred grams of fat during a typical Thanksgiving meal – including snacks and drinks. During the days around Halloween, Americans, on average, will consume an estimated 3.4 pounds of candy. If you think that grabbing a few pieces of candy from your child’s Halloween stash isn’t a problem, keep in mind that ONE Reese’s® Peanut Butter Cup will require you to do more than 700 jumping jacks to work off the calories.

So unless you have a plan to combat eating too much holiday food and candy, you may be looking at adding unwanted inches in a rapid fashion. The hero of this story is the TruHealth Fat Loss System.

If you are familiar with the TruHealth Fat Loss System, you already have the tools you need to create your own TruHealth Mini-Cleanse. For example, if you are planning to attend a holiday party where you know you will be tempted with all the good things a holiday feast can offer, plan ahead to jump into a three-day cleanse immediately afterward to help compensate for enjoying some indulgences.  The TruHealth Fat Loss System guidebook and system tracker will help you come up with a cleanse program that will help you make up for extra calorie intake while supporting your overall health and wellness.*

Mannatech offers diet and exercise suggestions that, along with the mini-cleanse, will help you feel good no matter what temptations come your way. The TruHealth section of  the website also contains a number of delicious recipes that you can follow to create healthy, satisfying meals that will support your health goals during the holidays.

However, the cleanse program is what will help you recover quickly from your eating hangover and allow you to stay healthy and guilt free while enjoying yourself.

As described in the TruHealth Fat Loss System Guidebook, a cleanse day will give your body a boost to get it back to a healthy pattern using the TruHealth system products and sensible eating and exercise.

To create your own holiday three-day mini-cleanse, use the following daily guidelines. Doing this for one day in advance of an event and up to three days after a holiday party will help support your health goals without a hitch.

Cleanse Day Guidelines:

trupure 4 TruPURE™ slimsticks (1 upon waking, 1 at noon, 1 at dinner, 1 at bedtime)

trushape1 TruSHAPE™ fat-loss capsule with food (preferably in the morning with your TruPLENISH shake)

truplenish1 TruPLENISH™ nutritional shake (any time of the day; other Mannatech products can be added to the shake mix, along with fruits and other nutritious ingredients)

grazeGraze on raw or lightly steamed vegetables—you don’t have to go hungry on your cleanse days

Don’t let guilt and worry about gaining inches, stifle your holiday fun. Thanks to the TruHealth Fat Loss System, the holidays can be happy and healthy.
