Cheers to the New Year! Try the Nutritious New Year, New You Smoothie
Add a little bit of health, wellness and Mannatech to your new year and kick off 2016 in the right way. This easy and fun New Year, New You Smoothie is sure to be a hit with family and friends, so serve them up and incorporate this smoothie into your new year traditions.
Ingredients (serves one)
- ½ cup raw spinach or kale
- ½ ripe avocado
- ½ cup frozen strawberries
- ½ frozen banana
- 1 cups unsweetened almond milk
- 1 tsp stevia
- Handful of ice cubes
- 1 scoop of NutriVerus™ powder
- 2 scoops of OsoLean® powder
Combine spinach or kale, avocado, banana, ½ cup of almond milk and ice cubes into a blender. Blend on high until smooth. Poor into glass until half full.
Next, add strawberries, ½ cup of almond milk, stevia, NutriVerus and OsoLean into blender, and blend on high until smooth. Poor into the same glass on top of the green smoothie above.
Serve and enjoy!
For more information on how you can kick-start your new year, check out Mannatech’s Refresh and Rejuvenate 30-day program. Download the complete U.S. guidebook or CA guidebook today to get started.
I start each day with a LEAN-a-Colada. Golden Circle Pine Coconut, 2 scoops of Mannatech’s OsoLean, 1 scoop of Mannatech’s Nutri-Verus, Ambrotose and GI Pro-Biotic. Shake it up and creates a fantastic drink to start the day. Replaces breakfast and keeps me going for hours.