05-11-2020 Mindset & Motion Module 2
Let’s get active! Movement increases blood flow and circulates more oxygen to the brain, elevating brain serotonin (the happy hormone!) and heightened energy levels.
Watch the replay of Mindset & Motion Module 2 from Monday May 11, 2020.
This class lays the foundation for an active body. You will learn:
- How much exercise is enough
- Styles of exercise for everyone
- How motion supports your body’s own health and immune system
Another way you can help enhance your mood and energy is with Women’s PREMIER 7ä and Mannatech Men’s PRIME 7ä.*
Stay active and mentally strong.* Order yours today!
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
Download the Module 2 worksheet here: Mindset ^0 Motion Module 2 Handout
Download the Module 2 video here: