Let's Hear It for Our Ūth™ Face-off Teams!
As you know, we put together the Ūth Face-off Contest, consisting of the top ten sellers of Ūth Skin Rejuvenation Crème within the first two months of the year. These top sellers formed teams and they’ve been working very hard sharing Ūth Skin Crème with the world. Not only that, but they’re having fun while taking the challenge seriously.
“Since we launched Ūth Skin Crème last year, we knew we had something special on our hands. It’s amazing what we’ve seen now that people have been using this product for six months. It’s doing some fabulous things. We’re seeing amazing results. And, we have some people who are moving this forward.” – Al Bala
The first round of the contest ends next week, but we thought we would give you a preview of the standings as of July 11, 2014.
Individual Standings
First Place: Cindy Osbrink (Team Kathleen Jackson)
Second Place: Lawanda Murphy (Team Merri-Jo Hillaker)
Third Place: Jean Nelson (Team Merri-Jo Hillaker)
Fourth Place: Dana Hinds (Team Merri-Jo Hillaker)
(Tied) Fifth Place: Jinger Rausch (Team Merri-Jo Hillaker) and Ronald Fisher (Team Amanda Latreille)
Team Standings
First Place: Merri-Jo Hillaker’s Team
- Merri-Jo Hillaker
- Jinger Rausch
- Margaret Humphreys
- S. Adams
- Dana Hinds
- Lauri Matthews
- Jean Nelson
- Sassafras Health Foods
- Lawanda Murphy
- Sue Barnes
- Beatrice Fuentes
Second Place: Kathy Jackson’s Team
- Kathleen Jackson
- Achim Huber
- Cindy Osbrink
- Sidney Delve
- Kelly Rainey
- Samantha Gordon
- Cathie Teague
- Joy Pervis
- Claudette S. Cooley
- Joann Smolen
- Shane Adee
Third Place: Amanda Latreille’s Team
- Amanda Latreille
- Donalda Madsen
- Freedom Ent/L Beauregard
- Kristi Kozel
- Ronald Fisher
- Ada J. Barker
- Annemarie Panduro
- Sue Pipes
- Linda Kelsey
- Gary & Patricia Browett
- Nicole Ballance
We will celebrate these winners’ success at MannaQuest in Chicago this August by providing and covering the cost of airline tickets to and from MannaQuest, hotel accommodations for the event, a $200 gift card, Ūth tools, and recognition on stage as they share their insight and how they took action and made things happen to help grow their Ūth business. Don’t miss it!