Mannatech Europe December Opportunity Meetings
Due to the huge success of Mannatech Europe’s business opportunity presentations, EU is excited to announce two additional presentations in December. This is an opportunity to grow your business and create a fast start in 2016.
Ian Harvey, Business Development Consultant, will co-host and present at these meetings.
The first meeting will be held in the Netherlands on Tuesday, December 15, at Rengerslaan 8, 8917 DD Leeuwarden at 8 p.m. (Guests are free, Associates €7.50).
The second will be in Wolverhampton on Wednesday, December 16, at Linden House, 211 Tettenhall Road, WV6 0DD, Wolverhampton at 7:30 p.m. (Guests are free, Associates £5.00).
Opportunity meetings are a great chance for Associates to share the Mannatech story. Invite your friends and bring as many guests as you can.
If you are sending guests but cannot attend yourself, contact Customer Service at 01235 441800 with the details and we will ensure they are looked after.
See you there!