Mannatech Receives Ethics Award from Direct Sellers Association of Canada
The Direct Sellers Association (DSA) of Canada recently announced the recipients of the 2019 DSA Awards during their annual conference in Vancouver, British Columbia. Mannatech, Incorporated was awarded a Certificate of Recognition for the company’s on-going commitment in promoting the DSA’s Code of Ethics.
The DSA Canada Code of Ethics is an annual pledge that member companies and their independent sales contractors follow in product sales, consumer care, recruitment and sales force relations. Mannatech was honored the same award last year as well.
The DSA Canada also announced new members of its Board of Directors. Mannatech’s Senior Director of North America, Sona van der Hoop was elected to the board.
“I am proud to be on the Board of Directors for the DSA Canada. This is great for Mannatech as now our voice is being heard in the DSA,” said van der Hoop. “My efforts as a board member would center on providing greater opportunities for all who seek the life change our industry has to offer.”
Mannatech also has a voice in the Direct Selling Education Foundation (DSEF) of Canada. Vida Achundsada, Mannatech’s Canadian Operations Manager is on the Board of Directors for the DSEF Canada.
“Being on the Board of Directors for the DSEF Canada is a huge honor,” said Achundsada, adding that she would “work closely with other board members on educating the public about ways direct selling empowers individuals, supports communities and strengthens economies.”
加拿大直销商协会(DSA Canada)最近在温哥华举行了年度大会,向2019年业界杰出单位及个人颁发协会大奖。美泰公司因在推广DSA Canada道德准则方面的持续承诺,而被授予DSA道德奖。该奖项旨在奖励那些在产品销售、消费者关怀、经销商招募等环节中,能严格遵守道德准则的成员单位或个人。美泰公司去年也荣获了该奖项。
大会上,DSA还宣布了新一届的委员会成员名单,美泰公司北美事务高级总监Sona van der Hoop成功入选。“我很骄傲能成为加拿大直销商协会委员会的成员,对于美泰来说,这是非常好的消息,因为我们的声音可以被协会听到了。”Sona表示:“作为委员会成员,我今后会致力于,为那些寻求通过直销行业改善生活的人们提供更多的机会。”
除了在DSA,美泰的声音也将被DSEF Canada(加拿大直销教育基金会)更多得听到,因为美泰加拿大办公室经理Vida Achundsada入选了新一届DSEF委员会成员。“成为DSEF委员会成员,对于我来说是极大的荣幸。”Vida表示,今后她将与委员会其他成员紧密合作,向社会公众普及直销行业的正确知识:这个行业如何可以让个人变得强大、支持社区、强化经济。