Arm Yourself with Our Mission 5 Million Message!
The orange M5M℠ wristband is a symbol of our mission and vision of linking five million consumers with five million children in need. Wear it proudly as you share and create awareness of our significant message! Inquisitive minds will want to know the story behind it, and how to get involved.
- Orange represents malnutrition–an important reminder of the millions of undernourished children in the world who need our help.
- The peg represents the number of children we have impacted. Start with One Simple Act, then move the peg around as you reach new leadership levels.
- You represent the forefront of our ongoing mission and vision!
Wristbands were available at MannaQuest 2013 and will also be available at the Branson event. We will be selling them in the future and will include them in Welcome Kits starting in September.
Share with the world how easy it is to become a Champion!