Get Ready to Whoop and Holler for the Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders!
Give me an M, an A, an N, N, A, T, E, C, H!
Hold on to your hats and get ready to cheer along with them during MannaFest 2014!! Known for trend-setting dance routines that are choreographed to energetic music, these skilled performers are a charismatic, world-renowned team.
The Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders is the National Football League cheerleading squad representing the Dallas Cowboys. However, the original cheerleading squad was not just women – it was a male-female group called the Cow Belles & Beaux. The group made its sidelines debut in 1960 during the Cowboys’ inaugural season.
The Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders have maintained their family appeal. Everyone from toddlers to senior citizens can identify with the Cowboys Cheerleaders as they are truly ambassadors of goodwill. They have entertained the troops overseas more than any other entity (73 times and counting), which garnered them the Spirit of Hope Award.
Come experience this internationally acclaimed team like you’ve never seen them before!
Who’s got spirit? Mannatech’s got spirit! Go! Go! Go!