Mannatech’s New Brand Story – Brand Promise
Mannatech’s new brand, which was unveiled at MannaFest 2016, includes a “brand promise” which is key to creating a narrative which customers and prospects can follow and readily understand. This narrative will help you share the Mannatech story in a more compelling way that will be attractive to new audiences.
“Mannatech’s brand promise,” said Joel Bikman, Mannatech’s Senior Vice President of Global Sales and Marketing, and the leader of the rebrand, “is the assurance of value we make to our Associates and customers that our brand will fulfill. It is the essence of what we as a company offer and guides us in everything that we do.”
Mannatech’s innovative Glyconutrition products transform lives, providing an unprecedented level of natural wellness, freedom and purpose.
“The promise has resonated so well because it’s true,” said Bikman. “Our proprietary Glyconutrition products deliver incredible results. We have the science and testimonials to back them up. And when people experience the benefits, they can’t help but want to share the products with others. That health freedom, income opportunity, plus our M5M program separates Mannatech from all other companies.”
Mannatech’s new brand promise helps give a firm identification about why Mannatech and its products are different from anyone else. As an introduction to what makes Mannatech special, the brand promise is a powerful tool that captures who and what Mannatech is at its core.
“Our new brand is a reflection of who we really are and what we represent,’” said Bikman. “And our brand promise clarifies and communicates what makes Mannatech so special and different.”