From Darkness to Dream – the Breakthrough for Simeon Cryer
Before he started with Mannatech, Simeon Cryer was in darkness – he was broke, had no career and no hope for the future.
In fact, one Christmas day, his wife said she just couldn’t live the way they were living any more. This was Simeon’s defining moment – a wake-up call – one that caused him to change his life.
Simeon is now a Silver Presidential living his dream with a powerful story to tell.
In this video, you’ll hear:
- How he went from being skeptical and afraid of joining Mannatech to proclaiming it has been the greatest thing he has ever done in his life.
- How he earned $3,000 and qualified for Mannatech’s Incentive luxury cruise to the Caribbean in his first three months of business without any prior successes to hang his hat on.
- How during the Incentive trip he met and was inspired by people who were “daring to believe for more” – normal people, just like him.
- How 12 months after the cruise he was earning a six-figure income.
- How he took massive action, got great results, and radically transformed his family’s life.
Quotes from Simeon Cryer, Silver Presidential:
”It’s more than profits, it’s more than vacations, it’s more than fun … it’s about people … it’s about connecting heart to heart.”
“I’ve seen all personality types achieve the most outrageous forms of success.”
Simeon’s story will inspire you to believe that anything is possible – because it is! To see more profound, life-changing stories from Associates, visit our YouTube channel.