Celebrate the Lunar New Year with Our Manapol Powder Special
Now through February 10, or while supplies last, when you place a one-time order containing two or more units of specially packaged Manapol powder, you will receive FREE SHIPPING and earn Loyalty Points equal to 20% of your one-time order.
To celebrate the Lunar New Year, we’ve designed special packaging for our exclusive Manapol powder. Gift a container to your friends and family or even gift one to yourself!
Mannatech’s Manapol powder is the purest, most potent form of aloe vera gel available and may help support the immune system, digestion, and improve cognitive function.*
This special won’t last long, so place your order today. All orders must be placed over the phone. Call our Customer Care team at (800) 281-4469 (U.S.) or (866) 717-2175 (CA) to get yours today. Available for Loyalty Point Redemption. Not available for Wellness Reward Redemption. Available for U.S. Associates and Members. Not for resale in Canada.
今天直到2月10日, 或售完为止, 当您订购一次性订单含有2罐或2罐以上特别包装的糖王,您将享受免邮费和一次性订单20%忠诚积分。
为了庆祝农历新年, 我们为我们独有的糖王设计了特别的包装 。 您可以订购送给您的家人朋友作为礼物,您也可以订购一罐送给您自己。
Mannatech的糖王是最纯,芦荟凝胶的最有效形式,同时可以帮助支持免疫系统, 消化系统, 改善认知功能。
此次特惠不会持续很久,所以今天就订购吧。所有订单必须电话订购。 请拨打我们的客服团队热线(800) 281-4469 (U.S.) or (866) 717-2175 (CA)订购。可以使用忠诚积分兑换。不可使用健康奖励兑换。适用于美国的经销商和会员。加拿大使用不可转售模式。