Change Your World: Having a Free and Easy Work Life
Few people truly enjoy the traditional nine to five, Monday through Friday work life. They daydream about weekends, vacation days and retirement, when they can escape the confines of their cubicle. Paul and Amanda Latreille used to follow that schedule. But today, they’ve reclaimed their lives through a Mannatech business.
In this Change Your World video, the Latreilles share the freedom they now have to set their schedules to be as free and flexible as they want. They can start their day at their own pace; they have “business meeting” webinars at home; and overall, they’re having fun! The Latreilles get to enjoy the fruit of their labor with the flexibility a Mannatech business offers them. While they’re still working hard, this time it’s on their own terms for their own business.
Watch the video and share with a friend who’s looking to escape the nine to five life.