Grow Your Business with Mannatech’s Business Tools
Mannatech wants to help support you and the growth of your business. That’s why we’re offering you the tools you need to reach out and build your network and organization. Both tools are a great way for you to make a big impact with a potential prospect. And new bundle pricing makes them more affordable than ever to hand out to everyone you meet. Leave one business tool or both behind with your prospect, and let the content do the talking for you. Then simply follow-up, answer their questions and offer them the same great opportunity you were given. Below you will find what makes each tool unique.
Transform Your Life Brochure
Want to build your business faster? Not sure how to approach new people? Let the “Transform Your Life” brochure do some of the work for you! With compelling economic trends and Mannatech company information, this is a must-have tool for the seasoned leader and the newest Associate. Use it as an introductory piece, presentation piece, or a leave-behind piece. Not sure what to say next? Share the Choose Your Lifestyle presentation to complement this brochure. These two tools are designed to work together to help you work smarter and to transform your business. It’s even printed on special, uncoated paper for you to write notes and leave your contact info! Order your copies of this indispensable tool today!
The Transform Your Life brochure is on sale now in the Business Tools section of Mannatech.com. Order item #1411201. Price: $5 for 20 brochures or $20 for 100 brochures. Available in U.S. and Canada.
What Others are Saying About the Brochure:
“I received the Transform Your Life brochures. I was on my way to an STP with a bank merger yesterday, and I had the brochure in hand. It was a fantastic tool. My goal is to use all 100 brochures before Christmas.” – Joan Mallory, Regional Director
“This tool is so easy to use. When you leave your house to build your business, you need to be intentional. And to do that, you want to make sure you have these in your purse, briefcase or in your car at any given time so that you can sit down and meet with a prospect and share the Mannatech opportunity.” – Lori Cutter, Senior National Director
Two Economic Tidal Waves CD with Paul Zane Pilzer
Renowned author and economist, Paul Zane Pilzer delivers a critical message that must be heard and shared. Two tidal waves of change are coming that will create massive opportunities for some, while uprooting others. Will you be one of those who benefit, or will you find your world turned upside down? Learn about these waves and what you can do to protect your future in this must-hear CD. It’s six minutes that could alter your life and legacy. The CD allows you to simply be the messenger, not the message and can help you open the door to sharing the Mannatech business opportunity.
The CD is now available with Chinese and Spanish, and can be found in the Business Tools section on Mannatech.com. Order Item #1377401. Price: $10 for five CDs or $40 for 25 CDs. Available in U.S. and Canada.