Generation Ūth™: Before and After Video
Have you submitted your before and after Generation Ūth pictures to our contest? If you already have visible results, send us your selfies for a chance to win incredible prizes like $500 cash, a trip to the location of your choice and the global #MannaFest2016 package!
Not sure if your results are impressive enough to win? Send them anyway! Your results could impress our judges, and that’s all that matters. If you’ve already been using Generation Ūth, take your picture today and take another one as soon as you can see a change. If you haven’t started using Generation Ūth, purchase it now, take your before picture and get ready to see youthful results!
Refer to our selfie video for how to take the best pictures. Email your before and after pictures along with a written or video story of your experience using the product to uthpictures@mannatech.com. The first qualification period ends September 30, 2015, so hurry and send us your pictures.
Watch this video to see close up shots of Generation Ūth results that have been submitted by people from around the world.