Taiwan MVP Recap: Standing Room Only
We’d like to take a moment and brag on Taiwan. They held their annual MVP (Mannatech Vision Program) event in Taipei on June 13, 2015 and welcomed over 500 attendees!
In an exciting opening ceremony, Asia Regional President, Patrick Park, joined a group of young people for a special drum performance to rally the crowd.
Attendees heard from special guest speakers such as Mannatech CEO and Chief Science Officer, Dr. Rob Sinnott; Asia Regional President, Patrick Park; and Korea Presidential Director, Mrs. Na Geum Ju.
The energy was so palpable in the room, and the passion for Mannatech products and the business opportunity was even greater. There were so many people that extra chairs were added up to the back wall; and people stood along the sidewalls and out into the hallways. This was the best event turnout in Taiwan in many years, and over half of the people were first-time event attendees checking out what Mannatech has to offer. Taiwan brought their A-game, and we can’t wait to see them continue to expand and lead the Wellness Revolution in their region.
If you missed out on the Asia MVPs this summer, you still have a chance to attend some other major Mannatech events.
The third Asia MannaFest will take place on October 31, 2015 in Seoul, South Korea; and the Global MannaFest will be held in Dallas, Texas April 6 – 10, 2016. Contact your leaders to find out more information about the events near you and make sure you’re at the next one!
Below are additional photos from the Taiwan MVP event.