Mannatech 100% Essential Oils Promo Extended to April 6
Due to popular demand, we are extending our Mannatech 100% Essential Oils promotion through Wednesday, April 6. Purchase the five-piece Mannatech 100% Essential OilsTM Kit and receive a Mannatech Ultrasonic Diffuser, valued at $29.99, absolutely FREE.
Welcome the arrival of spring with our aromatic oils – lavender, lemon, eucalyptus, peppermint and sweet almond oil. Use your new, free diffuser to spread invigorating or relaxing scents throughout your home or workplace.
Order promo # 92401 now through April6, or while supplies last, and receive lavender, lemon, eucalyptus, peppermint and sweet almond oils along with a Mannatech 100% Essential Oils brochure and a free ultrasonic diffuser. Associate Price: $74.99. Member Price: $79.99. Retail Price: $83.99. Available for U.S. only. Not for resale in Canada. Eligible for Loyalty redemption on a one-time order only. Not available for auto order.
Don’t forget to stop by the MannaSpa booth at the #MannaFest2016 storefront to learn how to mix these oils with Generation Ūth products, and get training on how to host your own MannaSpa event to grow your Mannatech business.