Mannatech Associates Proud to Support Three Generation Household
Name: Myong Jin Lee & Ju Won Bae
Rank: Platinum Presidential Directors, Million Dollar Club Members
Location: Korea
For Myong Jin Lee and Ju Won Bae, both opticians, network marketing was the avenue they believed would bring them financial freedom to adequately support their family. But after struggling with their first network marketing business, the couple was unsure if they could truly be successful in the industry.
“Before Mannatech, we struggled financially while doing another network marketing business,” said Myong Jin Lee. “We needed to earn money to take care of our parents, our children, ourselves and to live our lives fully.”
After being introduced to Mannatech’s unique health and wellness products, the couple was convinced that the products were indispensable for their family and were amazed at the results. “Because Mannatech products are a must for everyone, I did not hesitate to become a Mannatech Associate,” said Myong Jin Lee.
Since that life changing decision, Myong Jin Lee and Ju Won Bae have finally been able to achieve their dream of supporting three generations of family members with excellent health, financial freedom and time to spend together. “I am proud of everything we have: our beautiful house, our car, and the fact that we can give our parents and children everything they want,” said Ju Won Bae. †
While most careers and business owner mentalities declare that success depends on the individual’s hard work alone, the couple was excited to learn that, with Mannatech, success comes by lifting others and making it together as a team. †
“There are many network marketing companies out there, but I really liked Mannatech’s compensation plan which leads us to success. It’s very exciting to know that to be truly successful I have to help many others to succeed. This, for me, is more important than sales or how many associates I have,” said Myong Jin Lee. †
One of the couple’s favorite things about Mannatech is getting to attend the Presidential Summit in Hawaii every year. “We are so happy to spend time with our successful partners, who have made it after overcoming so many challenges, and to be together in Hawaii with a common vision,” said Ju Won Bae. “It is so rewarding to show others how healthy our lives have become and to help others get there as well.”
†Earnings Disclaimer: The earnings and lifestyle indicated are not necessarily representative of what you may earn or achieve. Your individual earnings and lifestyle as an Associate are strictly dependent upon your respective area, skills, and effort. Mannatech makes no guarantee of earnings or lifestyle. Please view the Mannatech Career and Compensation Plan at https://mannatech2.s3.amazonaws.com/mtlibrary/33318275008576.pdf and the Income Averages Statement at https://mannatech2.s3.amazonaws.com/mtlibrary/41071378369998.pdf.