Wake Up! Don’t Miss TNL 10.8.19 with Dr. Nugent
Stay alert. Energized. Awake! The benefits of a good night’s sleep are immeasurable. Tune in with your family, friends, and team and hold a watch party and learn all about Sleep Support with Dr. Steve Nugent, Mannatech’ s Sr. Wellness Director and “Formulator” of the new sleep product. If you missed the launch at MannaPalooza or know people could benefit from better sleep, this is a must watch. Be sure to login to allaboutmannatech.com on
Tuesday October 8, 2019 at 7:30 pm.
Bonus: Find out how you can take advantage of great Sleep Support specials ending on 10.10.19. You’ll want to buy some for you and share the gift of a good night’s sleep with everyone in your life!
保持警觉,精力充沛,清醒!睡个好觉的益处是无法估量的。与您的家人、朋友和团队联系并组织一次观看节目的聚会,美泰的高级健康总监兼全新睡眠产品“配方师”Steve Nugent 博士将向您详细介绍睡眠支持产品。如果错过了 MannaPalooza 活动的发布会,或者知道人们能够从更好的睡眠中受益,这是一个不容错过的节目。请务必在 2019 年 10 月 8 日星期二晚上 7:30 登录 allaboutmannatech.com
奖励:睡眠支持产品优惠大放送将于 2019 年 10 月 10 日结束,机不可失。您可以购买一些给自己,也可以与您生命中的每一个人分享这个恬静睡眠礼物。