Wellness Week: Take Time to Relax
To celebrate National Wellness Week, September 12-16, Mannatech is encouraging you to participate in different activities this week to help you live out a healthy lifestyle.
One day this week, take some time for yourself to relax and unwind. Practicing relaxation has many benefits, including slowing your heart rate, lowering your blood pressure, reducing stress, increasing blood flow to your muscles, improving mood and lowering fatigue.
Here are some ways you can relax and unwind:
- Get outdoors – Plant some flowers in your garden, swing in your hammock or take a nice, leisurely walk around the block.
- Read a book – Find a nice, quiet place, open a good book and spend some time reading.
- Take a hot bath or shower – Light some candles or diffuse your Mannatech Essential Oils and let yourself enjoy some quiet time.
- Enjoy a massage – Schedule a nice, relaxing massage and give your muscles a break.
- Meditate – Focus your mind on positive thoughts and observe your body and your breathing pattern.
- Give yoga a try – Become less stressed and try some beginner yoga poses in your home.
- Unplug – Put away your cell phone, laptop, iPad, T.V. or any other distraction you have in your life. Unplug and spend quality time with your loved ones.
Help yourself relax and live a healthier, more well-balanced life. Be sure to take a photo of yourself completing a Wellness Week activity, post the photo to social media and use the hashtag #MannatechWellnessWeek. Stay tuned for more information and ideas on how to celebrate National Wellness Week with Mannatech.