Get Revved up for 2020 at MannaPalooza
Don’t Miss this Event that Will Help Accelerate Your Business into 2020
Chicago is the international hub for finance, culture, commerce and industry. What better city to propel your business into the next decade! Here, you will learn Mannatech’s VISION FOR 2020 along with strategies for streamlining your business at rapid speed and driving massive results!
Watch the video about MannaPalooza in Chicago.
Attend this spectacular event and:
- Learn from industry leaders how 2020 will be a pivotal year for growth and achievement.
- Be the first to discover exciting product announcements you can pre-sell and pre-purchase.
- Find out the NEW location for MannaFest and why you must attend.
- Hear from top field leaders from the US and Korea and what they are planning for 2020.
Join more than 3,000 Mannatech fans from around the globe! If you can’t attend in person, attend a watch party at one of the Mannatech offices in Flower Mound, Toronto or Vancouver. Or host your own watch party via the livestream on allaboutmannatech.com to kick off the New Year! We promise you a roaring good time in the Windy City where dreams can become reality.
在 MannaPalooza 为 2020 年开足马力
这是一场让您的业务在 2020 年加速发展的盛会,切勿错过
芝加哥是国际金融、文化、商业和工业中心,在这个城市推动您在未来十年的业务发展再合适不过了!在这里,你将了解到美泰 2020 年的愿景,以及美泰帮助您快速优化业务和实现巨大成功的战略!
- 聆听行业领导者阐释 2020 年为何是实现增长和成就的关键一年。
- 先人一步了解您可预购或预售的惊喜产品。
- 了解 MannaFest 新举办地点,以及您为何不能错过 MannaFest。
- 聆听美国和韩国的高层领导人讲话,以及他们对 2020 年的规划。
加入来自全球各地的 3000 多名美泰粉丝图团!如果您不能亲临现场,您可以参加在多伦多达拉斯 Flower Mound 或温哥华办公室举办的观摩派对。或通过 allaboutmannatech.com 观看我们的现在直播来举办自己的观摩派对,迎接 2020!我们保证,在风之城这个筑梦之地,您一定会度过一段美好的时光。