Category: Featured 5.0 Homepage (CA)

Glycans: One bond, one message

Your cells are quite the communicators and for great reason. They talk with one another chemically to understand your body’s...

Self-care summer

You’ve spent most of winter and spring tethered to your house. Now that the world has fully come out of...

Your gut has a brain

Have you ever had “butterflies in your stomach” or felt a knot of tension build up? Our bodies tend to...

With Our Deepest Sympathy

It is with great sadness that we inform our Mannatech family of the passing of our dear friend and Mannatech Associate, Louis van der Linde. Louis was a Leader, Visionary, and Ultimate Dreamer, as well as a 2 Star Presidential.

NEW Emprizone Family Bundle has arrived!

Whether you’re looking for an aloe-based solution for the inevitable scrapes, burns, and other skin issues that come with summer—or you’re looking for something to help soothe dry, wind-chapped skin in winter, Emprizone has you and your family’s back ALL YEAR ROUND!