MannaFest 2017: Top Leaders Set Path for Success with Raised Spirits and Enthusiasm
MannaFest℠ 2017 has officially kicked off! At this year’s event, each attendee will feel the changes that emerged last year and realize how they can achieve their dreams. This year, Mannatech Associates will be able to RISE UP and take action to go out and get the life they have always imagined.
Associates have already shown excitement and the readiness to RISE UP at the pre-event gathering of Mannatech’s top leaders from around the world. The Presidential Director meeting gave these leaders a chance to have one-on-one conversations with Mannatech executive staff.
During the PD Meeting, the group was treated to comments from Mannatech’s Chairman of the Board, Stan Fredrick who discussed the state of the industry. Al Bala, Mannatech’s CEO and President, spoke to the group, talking about the theme of the event, “RISE UP,” as well as the overall goals of MannaFest.
M5M℠ & Manapol
A highlight of the meeting was Senior Vice President, Landon Fredrick, discussing Mannatech’s continued commitment to nourishing children in need through the M5M Foundation. He also shared insights about his visit to Mannatech’s aloe vera supplier in Costa Rica. Mannatech has exclusive access to the purest form of Manapol® powder thanks to its agreements with its suppliers.
Social Media & New Products
Finally, Senior Vice President Joel Bikman talked to the PDs about their social media plan during MannaFest and after. He talked about posting to social media using the hashtag #MannaFest2017 to ensure the amazing experiences at MannaFest were shared with the world. Bikman also shared information about the new products available at the storefront and how to use the new online sales system.
Each PD left the meeting with a new excitement and motivation to take on MannaFest 2017 and their businesses with heightened expectations.
Stay tuned for more updates on #MannaFest2017, as many more exciting announcements will soon follow.