Mannatech Associates Adhere to Best Practices in Recruiting
In time of a pandemic, many direct selling companies tend to use improper tactics to advertise their products and opportunity. The Direct Selling Self-Regulatory Council (DSSRC), a division of BBB National Programs, and the Direct Selling Association (DSA), are currently urging all direct selling companies and their salesforces to ensure the accuracy and truthfulness of all claims made about their business opportunity and health-related products.
Mannatech takes pride in doing things right. We advise our Associates not fall into the trap of playing off fear to engage prospects about our products or opportunity. Our Associates are advised to avoid making false claims whatsoever, or engage in negative practices during this climate of uncertainty.
Learn more about Mannatech’s Polices & Procedures.
“Mannatech in no way wants to use the coronavirus anxiety to take advantage of the newly unemployed people ” said Al Bala, President and CEO of Mannatech
When talking with your prospects about the Mannatech opportunity, either in person or by phone, email, text or social media posts, you are welcome to tell your story and share tools and collateral materials produced and approved by the company. Please do not oversell the amount of income an individual may earn, and never undersell the level of effort it takes to build a Mannatech business. Engaging in improper tactics or making false claims of any kind is strictly prohibited as set forth in our Policies and Procedures.
Helpful Resources for Talking with Prospects
Here are some resources that provide useful tips for talking about the Mannatech opportunity:
Tell your Mannatech Story in a Compelling (and compliant) way
Communicating with Your Prospects
How to Create Customer Engagement Headlines
Thank you for being a part of the Mannatech team and taking pride in what you do.
We stand behind you.