Category: In The Field

Football Player from Iowa Grew Up on Ambrotose®

At 25, Ike Boettger has a bright football career ahead of him. At 6’6” and 313 lbs, he received a full football scholarship at the University of Iowa and plays guard for the Buffalo Bills. And for as long as he can remember, he’s taken Mannatech products.

The Quest for Manapol®

Aloe vera, the “gift of nature” prized by ancient cultures is widely used for its healing properties today.

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Join us for MannaFest LIVE 2020!

After much consideration and the recent success of MannaLIVE, we have made the decision to move MannaFest 2020 from an in-person event to a livestream event.

Buy Your Products with ‘Mannatech Pay’

Do you have funds in your Mannatech Pay? Now, you can use this account to pay for your product purchases! In the shopping cart, you will now see a new payment method called ‘Mannatech Pay.’